So, I have decided that to face the ongoing change in my life I must face it head on. It has been said that “If you don’t create change, change will create you,” and personally.. I’m ready to have a new control over my life.
The song I’d like to introduce is Regina Spektor’s “Two Birds.” Many would argue that Ms. Spektor’s newest cd is somewhat of a sellout compared to her previous creations, but I still think it has a lot of merit. This song in particular seems to observe a couple of birds, who are too scared to try things on their own. One bird wants to explore, while the other puts on a façade promising to adventure out with him in a little while.. I feel that in the past I’ve been there. I have always based a part of my life on this sort of root, or “other bird,” instead of letting go and flying off by myself.
Recently I have been abandoned by my bird, and instead of flying away from the situation.. I have glued myself to the wire waiting for some glimmer of hope that my bird will return… (I have too much faith in people.) Now that I have realized that there is no hope for that friendship I want to do what I should have done a few months ago, embrace change.
Love this post Gentry! I can totally relate right now. I'm actually in the same exact situation. I need to embrace change, and move on. Sometimes it's hard to change what has always been apart of "you" but like you said that's what it takes to gain control of your life.