Sunday, October 11, 2009

I and Love and You

This week I have been getting a little behind on my blog, but for good reason. I have recently been declared ITunes best customer and I have been kicked out of my house for all the money I’ve spent on music, just Kidding.

In all seriousness though I do have a serious addiction to music and it kind of needs to stop. It seems like no matter how much music I have, there is always something new that I need to discover. I can’t sit back and enjoy what’s directly on my ITunes without longing for the unknown, and that is definitely a metaphor for life if I’ve ever seen it..

Anyways, now every time I spend money on music, and waste/dedicate hours of my time to looking up new artists and bands I have an excuse, this blog! So for anyone, who is reading this, realize that you are the reasons why my pockets are empty and my heart is full of really excellent music. Thanks for supporting my addiction.

For this blog, and the next blog, I plan to explore the new Avett Brother’s CD, “I and Love and You.” This CD is definitely my favorite Avett Brother’s CD, and is probably one of my top three CDs for 2009. In the past, I have found a lot of the Avett Brother’s music to be a little too “twangy” for my taste (although “Bella Donna” is probably one of my favorite songs ever), but this CD seems to balance out the twang for something a little more subtle and meaningful. There is not a single song on this CD that I could not listen to over and over again.

The song I’m using in this blog is “I and Love and You,” which is the title track for the album. It paints a beautiful picture of starting over, and getting away from your own words and problems, particularly the words that too easily slip away, “I and Love and You.”

This song to me embodies the want to run away, and start a new life. When I listen to it, I can’t help but think that “anywhere is better than here,” but the truth is running away from problems can do more harm than good. Each and every time I feel uninspired, get in a fight with someone I love, or even just feel lonely, the thought of leaving it all behind taunts me. Unfortunately I know that until I fight my own battles that I have within myself, I’ll always feel the need to run. The only thing that is holding me back is me, so instead of running I can just turn on this song and feel a little less lonely, knowing that someone else feels the way I do.

"Ahh Brooklyn, Brooklyn take me in.
Are you aware the shape I’m in?
My hands they shake, my head it spins.
Ahh Brooklyn, Brooklyn take me in.

Three words that became hard to say.
I and Love and You.
What you were than I am today.
Look at the things I do."

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